Dr. Wilbrod Peter Slaa denied presidental election result!! ....===.... Pre-president Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete congratulate new President in Zanzibar country(Island) Dr Ali Muhamed Shain!


Nyerere's nephew wins parliamentary seat

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - Vincent Nyerere, a nephew of Tanzania's founding president Julius Nyerere, won a parliamentary seat under the ticket of Chama Cha Demokrasiana Maendeleo (CHADEMA), as the results of the country's general election held on Sunday trickled in early Monday. Vincent won the seat in the Musoma Urban constituency, the result of which has been fully declared.
Other results for local councils show the ruling CCM party and CHADEMA going neck and neck in several districts.

The turnout at many polling centres for the election was less than expected, according to the early results.

Though no official reason has been given for the low numbers, the obvious explanation could be found in voter apathy, despite the well-attended campaign rallies in the run-up to the polls.

Some people who did not vote claimed they had other pressing business to attend or saw no reason to queue up and vote for someone who entered the contest for his own benefit.

Despite improved telecommunications, returning officers in constituencies seem to be extra-careful in tallying votes from various voting stations before releasing full results.

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