Dr. Wilbrod Peter Slaa denied presidental election result!! ....===.... Pre-president Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete congratulate new President in Zanzibar country(Island) Dr Ali Muhamed Shain!


Kikwete congratulates Zanzibar’s president-elect

President Jakaya Kikwete has sent a congratulatory message to Ali Mohammed Shein for winning the presidential election in Zanzibar.
The congratulatory message was sent on Mondya night after an announced by the Zanzibar Electoral Commission Chairman Khatib Mwinyi Chande that Shein had won the presidential race garnering 50.1 of the vote. His main rival Seif Sharif Hamad of the Civic United Front (CUF) garnered 49.1 percent.
Shein scooped 179,809 votes, while Hamad, who automatically becomes the first vice-president, as per the Zanzibar Constitution amendment, garnered 176,338 votes.
Both leaders called for calm, pledging to work together for the betterment of the semi-autonomous country.
Other contestants were Said Soud said of AFP who got 480 votes or 0.1 per cent, Kassim Bakari Haji of Jahazi Asilia who managed 803 votes or 0.2 percent, Ambar Khaji Khamis of NCCR-Mageuzi who got 363 votes equivalent to 0.12 percent, Khaji Khamis Khaji of NRA who got 525 votes or 0.1 percent and Tadea’s Juma Ali Khatibu who managed 497 votes equivalent to 0.1 per cent.
Shein is expected to assume office as the seventh Zanzibar President on Wednesday.
Dr Shein, who becomes the first native of Pemba island to lead Zanzibar, told a gathering at Bwawani Hotel where the results were announced, that he was capable of the task ahead.
“I know that leading a government of national unity is challenging, because this is a new system here. But I will make sure it works efficiently for the benefit of the current and future generations,” he said.
Zanzibar amended its constitution after a referendum approved the formation of a government of national unity. This was after numerous election-related violence in the Indian Ocean archipelago.
Presidential, parliamentary and councillorship elections were held in Zanzibar on Sunday, the same day with Tanzania mainland’s general elections.
Zanzibar gained independence from Britain in December 1963 as a constitutional monarchy. A month later, the Zanzibar Revolution led to the establishment of the Republic of Zanzibar and Pemba. On April 26, 1964, the mainland Tanganyika and Zanzibar formed the United Republic of Tanzania.
Meanwhile, the final result of Tanzania’s general elections is expected to be announced on tomorrow.
President Jakaya Kikwete is widely expected to win a second term, despite the spirited challenge posed by Chadema's Dr Wilbrod and Civic United Front's Prof Ibrahim Lipumba.
Others vying for the top seat are NCCR Mageuzi’s Hashim Rungwe and Fahni Dovutwa of the United People’s Democratic Party (UPDP) and APPT Maendeleo Peter Kuga Mziray.

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